Como Gerenciar uma Barraca de Comida em Bandle Tale.

Gerenciando uma barraca de comida em Bandle City Uma história de League of Legends é crucial - Aqui está tudo o que você precisa saber.


Bandle Tale A League of Legends Story – Hosting a Successful Food Stand

Bandle Tale A League of Legends Story Food Stand Instructions

In Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story, you’ll have a chance to channel your inner Yordle and become a master chef who runs a traveling Food Stand in Bandle City. This Food Stand serves as a valuable asset, providing resources, friendship, and trust as you progress through the game. But how exactly do you run a Food Stand? Let’s dive into the delicious details!

Cooking Up Success

The Food Stand mechanic is introduced early in the game, and it plays a crucial role in the storyline as prompted by Corki. It involves interacting with different Yordles in Yarnville, allowing you to learn significant skills and abilities for later in the game.

To kickstart your culinary adventure, you’ll need to gather the ingredients and materials necessary for your dishes by exploring the floating island. However, before you can start showcasing your cooking prowess, you must first build your own kitchen. Thankfully, Winstock’s kitchen is available for you to use as you learn the ropes. Once you’ve mastered the basic steps of creating and serving a dish, you’ll be ready to set up shop with the help of Dev, your trusty assistant.

To host your first Food Stand, unroll the right Carpet from your Backpack and construct the following using the outdoor crafting bench:

  • A Chef’s Oven
  • Heat Conductor
  • Chopping Table

The main counter will be provided as a part of the Carpet, and you can place Dev there. If any dishes turn out less than delightful, you can simply toss them into Dev.

Before you can start hosting your Food Stand, there are a few requirements you need to meet each time:

  1. Choose two or more dishes to serve.
  2. Gather at least four orders from nearby Yordles.
  3. Prepare your workbenches.

Once these requirements are met, you’re free to open your Food Stand! To keep up with the demand for homemade food, it’s wise to activate your Heat Conductor before starting the event. Now, get ready to tantalize taste buds and satisfy cravings!

After hosting a Food Stand, whether it’s a smashing success or an epic failure, you’ll need to wait before hosting another one. Give the other Yordles some time to work up their appetites again, as they won’t be ready to order immediately.

Why Are Food Stands Important in Bandle Tale?

Bandle Tale A League of Legends Story Food Stand in Bandle Center-1

Food Stands hold a significant role in Bandle Tale, primarily because Stars are a highly valuable resource. Stars serve as the game’s currency, allowing you to purchase important items from various shops and vendors. In fact, during the early stages of the game, Food Stands are often the only way to earn Stars.

But the importance of Food Stands goes beyond star income. As you engage with the world of Bandle City and its inhabitants, it’s crucial to cultivate genuine and trusting friendships with the other Yordles. Hosting successful Food Stands will help you forge closer ties with the town’s inhabitants, unlocking essential dialogues and quests.

How to Ensure a Successful Food Stand in Bandle Tale

Bandle Tale A League of Legends Story Food Stand Start in Root Market

Hosting a Food Stand may seem straightforward, but there are additional steps you can take to ensure maximum success. Here are some tips to make your Food Stand thrive:


  1. Seja um Chef Preparado: Para hospedar com sucesso um Food Stand, certifique-se de que consegue completar cada pedido dentro do prazo estabelecido sem nenhum pedido falhado. Ter todos os seus ingredientes e materiais preparados antecipadamente é essencial. Monte seus pratos e potencialize seu Condutor de Calor usando uma Lâmpada de Vaga-Lume para um impulso.

  2. Domine a Gestão do Tempo: A gestão do tempo é crucial ao administrar um Food Stand. Priorize as refeições com base no tempo que seus clientes Yordles estão esperando. Um truque útil é interagir com o Condutor de Calor, permitindo que esquente um prato não cozido enquanto serve uma refeição pronta.

Com essas dicas em seu repertório culinário, você está a caminho de se tornar um mestre do Food Stand em Bandle Tale!


P: Os Food Stands são a única maneira de ganhar Estrelas em Bandle Tale?

R: Sim, durante uma parte significativa do início do jogo, os Food Stands são o método principal de ganhar Estrelas. Então, vista seu avental e comece a servir esses pratos saborosos!

P: Posso alterar os pratos que estou servindo durante um evento de Food Stand?

R: Infelizmente, uma vez que você escolheu seus pratos e iniciou o Food Stand, não pode alterá-los. Portanto, selecione com sabedoria antes de abrir o seu estande!

P: Quanto tempo devo esperar entre hospedar Food Stands?

R: Após hospedar um Food Stand, você precisará esperar até que os outros Yordles estejam prontos para fazer pedidos novamente. Eles precisam de um tempo para aumentar o apetite, então seja paciente!

Referências:Site Oficial do Bandle TaleSite Oficial do League of Legends